Name: Author: Description: Licence: Upload date: Original date: Text:
Eric S. Raymond: La cattedrale e il bazaar matrobriva Creative Commons Attribution SA 2011-11-27 1997-05-21 Read the text
Licenza GPL tradotta matrobriva La Licenza GPL tradotta da GNU FDL 2011-11-28 1991-06-01 Read the text
Introduzione a Sharetext Admin La pagina di introduzione di Sharetext! Creative Commons Attribution SA 2011-12-08 2011-12-14 Read the text
La Divina Commedia matrobriva La divina commedia di Dante Alighieri Public Domain 2011-12-19 1300-00-00 Read the text
Lorem Ipsum matrobriva Public Domain 2011-12-23 0000-00-00 Read the text
Computer e psiche matrobriva Un interessante articolo comparso nel 1981 su una rivista di informatica Public Domain 2011-12-23 1981-01-01 Read the text
Cervello e macchine calcolatrici matrobriva Un interessante articolo pubblicato su La Scienza illustrata di Settembre 1950 e trascritto per it.comp.retrocomputing da Filippo Zamengo Public Domain 2011-12-23 1950-09-01 Read the text
Guida basilare di Scripting Bash matrobriva Una guida che insegna le basi dello scripting bash. GNU FDL 2012-03-19 0000-00-00 Read the text
Translation matrobriva Italian translation of Anonup Specificated in description 2012-01-24 0000-00-00 Read the text
(Eric Raymond) Come diventare un Hacker matrobriva Specificated in description 2012-03-16 2002-10-03 Read the text
Eric Raymond: Come porre domande in modo intelligente matrobriva All rights reserved 2012-03-16 2001-01-01 Read the text
Franz Kafka: Metamorphosis publicdomainbooks Project Gutenberg license. Specificated in description 2012-03-16 0000-00-00 Read the text
Edgar Allan Poe: The Raven publicdomainbooks Project Gutenberg License. Specificated in description 2012-03-16 0000-00-00 Read the text
James Joyce: Dubliners publicdomainbooks Project Gutemberg License Specificated in description 2012-03-16 0000-00-00 Read the text
Edwin A. Abbot: Flatland publicdomainbooks Project Gutemberg License Specificated in description 2012-03-16 0000-00-00 Read the text
Franz Kafka: The Trial publicdomainbooks Project Gutemberg License Specificated in description 2012-03-16 0000-00-00 Read the text
William Shakespeare: Hamlet publicdomainbooks Project Gutemberg License Specificated in description 2012-03-16 0000-00-00 Read the text
William Shakespeare: Romeo and Julliet publicdomainbooks License specificated in the text. Specificated in description 2012-03-16 0000-00-00 Read the text
William Shakespeare: Macbeth publicdomainbooks Project Gutemberg License Specificated in description 2012-03-16 0000-00-00 Read the text
Richard M. Stallman: Announcement of GNU Project. matrobriva The Announcement of the GNU Project in the Usenet message of 1983. Original version. Public Domain 2012-03-16 1983-09-27 Read the text
Tim Berners-Lee: Announcement of WWW matrobriva The Announcement of the World Wild Web in the Usenet message of 1991. Original version. Public Domain 2012-03-16 1991-08-06 Read the text
Linus B. Torvalds: Announcement of Linux matrobriva The Announcement of Linux in the Usenet message of 1991. Original version. Public Domain 2012-03-16 1991-10-05 Read the text
Sharetext is in seeking of collaborators! Admin Sharetext is in seeking of collaborators! Creative Commons Attribution SA 2012-03-24 2012-03-24 Read the text
Richard M. Stallman : Free Software, Free Society matrobriva Selected essays of Richard Stallman Verbatim copy 2012-03-29 Read the text
dddd @ANON_USER@ fffff Public Domain 2012-04-17 0000-00-00 Read the text
@ANON_USER@ Public Domain 2012-04-21 0000-00-00 Read the text
ooo @ANON_USER@ lllllllllll Public Domain 2012-04-17 0000-00-00 Read the text
matrobriva 2012-04-16 0000-00-00 Read the text
ooo @ANON_USER@ lllllllllll Public Domain 2012-04-17 0000-00-00 Read the text
Invio da Python matrobriva Invio da Python Public Domain 2012-04-15 0000-00-00 Read the text
@ANON_USER@ Public Domain 2012-04-21 0000-00-00 Read the text
Prova di Sharetext matrobriva Public Domain 2012-04-26 0000-00-00 Read the text
@ANON_USER@ Public Domain 2012-05-01 0000-00-00 Read the text
@ANON_USER@ Public Domain 2012-05-01 0000-00-00 Read the text
Grub 2 Menuentries @ANON_USER@ Boot linux from iso Public Domain 2012-05-01 0000-00-00 Read the text
Prova @ANON_USER@ Public Domain 2012-05-02 0000-00-00 Read the text
Peter Brown - iPad is iBad for freedom matrobriva With new tablet device, Apple's Steve Jobs pushes unprecedented extension of DRM to a new class of general purpose computers Creative Commons Attribution-ND 2012-05-03 2010-01-27 Read the text
Prof. Manlio De Lellis - Logica quaternaria matrobriva Nel lavoro viene descritto un nuovo modello di logica, la logica quaternaria secondo il modello delellisiano che si ipotizza possa esser valido per una migliore comprensione in medicina dei fenomeni emotici e in fisica dei fenomeni quantistici. Creative Commons Attribution SA 2012-05-07 0000-00-00 Read the text
Geoffrey James - The tao of programming matrobriva Public Domain 2012-06-10 1987-01-01 Read the text
Geoffrey James - Il Tao della Programmazione matrobriva Un simpatico testo che si approccia alla programmazione come ad una filosofia zen. Public Domain 2012-06-10 2012-01-18 Read the text
carlo @ANON_USER@ nothing really Public Domain 2012-09-21 0000-00-00 Read the text
Kim Francis Corros @ANON_USER@ hahaha Public Domain 2013-04-20 0000-00-00 Read the text
Prova di Sharetext @ANON_USER@ Public Domain 2014-11-10 0000-00-00 Read the text
Hacked by Cloner-47 @ANON_USER@ Hacked by Cloner-47 Public Domain 2015-04-16 0000-00-00 Read the text
Hacked by Cloner-47 @ANON_USER@ Hacked by Cloner-47 Public Domain 2015-04-16 0000-00-00 Read the text
Esserkoc @ANON_USER@ r4cQCYGmhOU Public Domain 2015-05-23 0000-00-00 Read the text
Hacked @ANON_USER@ AnonCoders Public Domain 2015-06-15 0000-00-00 Read the text
Hacked By Virus Noir - Zakaria @ANON_USER@ Hacked By Virus Noir - Zakaria Public Domain 2015-06-20 0000-00-00 Read the text
k @ANON_USER@ storeigh Public Domain 2015-06-26 0000-00-00 Read the text
san3 @ANON_USER@ 123 Public Domain 2015-10-02 0000-00-00 Read the text
Sharetxtr TEst @ANON_USER@ 123 Public Domain 2015-11-25 0000-00-00 Read the text
回顾过去 展望未来——记创元集团十五周年庆典 @ANON_USER@ sdhsjkdhksjdh Public Domain 2016-01-15 0000-00-00 Read the text
Test! @ANON_USER@ A test! Public Domain 2016-03-06 0000-00-00 Read the text
DARIO @ANON_USER@ DESCRIPTION Public Domain 2016-06-16 0000-00-00 Read the text
òlòlòlòlòl @ANON_USER@ 899898 Public Domain 2016-06-22 0000-00-00 Read the text
matteo xxx x Public Domain 2016-06-23 0000-00-00 Read the text
matteo xxx x echo "Public Domain"; 2016-06-23 0000-00-00 Read the text
matteo xxx x <? echo "Public Domain"; ?> 2016-06-23 0000-00-00 Read the text
matteo xxx x <script>alert("a");</script> 2016-06-23 0000-00-00 Read the text
xx xxx descrizione <script type= 2016-06-23 0000-00-00 Read the text
<script type="text/javascript">alert("prova");</script> xxx <script type="text/javascript">alert("prova");</script> <script type="text/javascript">alert("prova");</script> 2016-06-23 0000-00-00 Read the text
lol xxx lol Public Domain 2016-06-23 0000-00-00 Read the text
lol xxx lol Public Domain 2016-06-23 0000-00-00 Read the text
lol xxx lol Public Domain 2016-06-23 0000-00-00 Read the text
lol xxx lol Public Domain 2016-06-23 0000-00-00 Read the text
lol xxx lol Public Domain 2016-06-23 0000-00-00 Read the text
lol xxx lol Public Domain 2016-06-23 0000-00-00 Read the text
lol xxx lol Public Domain 2016-06-23 0000-00-00 Read the text
lol xxx lol Public Domain 2016-06-23 0000-00-00 Read the text
lol xxx lol Public Domain 2016-06-23 0000-00-00 Read the text
lol xxx lol Public Domain 2016-06-23 0000-00-00 Read the text
lol xxx lol Public Domain 2016-06-23 0000-00-00 Read the text
lol xxx lol Public Domain 2016-06-23 0000-00-00 Read the text
lol xxx lol Public Domain 2016-06-23 0000-00-00 Read the text
lol xxx lol Public Domain 2016-06-23 0000-00-00 Read the text
lol xxx lol Public Domain 2016-06-23 0000-00-00 Read the text
lol xxx lol Public Domain 2016-06-23 0000-00-00 Read the text
fhhs @ANON_USER@ Public Domain 2016-06-28 0000-00-00 Read the text
Riot Points Giveaway @ANON_USER@ GiveAway Public Domain 2016-07-28 0000-00-00 Read the text

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